One of the most versatile and frequently used conjunctions in English is “and.” It connects words, phrases, and ideas, adding fluency and variety to our language. Understanding common collocations with “and” can significantly enhance your ability to express complex thoughts succinctly and accurately. In this blog post, we will explore 30 common collocations with AND. Each entry will include a definition, phonetic transcription, and two examples to help you grasp the usage and meaning of these collocations.
Table of Contents
- Master English with These 30 Common Collocations with And
- #1. Black and White 🖤🤍
- #2. Safe and Sound 🛡️🔊
- #3. Bits and Pieces 🧩🔧
- #4. Pros and Cons ⚖️❌
- #5. Trial and Error 🔬❌
- #6. Salt and Pepper 🧂🌶️
- #7. Touch and Go ✋✈️
- #8. Peace and Quiet ☮️🤫
- #9. Hustle and Bustle 🚶♂️🚶♀️
- #10. Now and Then ⏰🔁
- #11. Time and Again ⏳🔄
- #12. Sick and Tired 🤒😫
- #13. Give and Take 🔄🤝
- #14. More and More 📈➕
- #15. Odds and Ends 🧩🔧
- #16. Bread and Butter 🍞🧈
- #17. Null and Void 🚫❌
- #18. Pick and Choose 👆🛍️
- #19. First and Foremost 1️⃣👆
- #20. High and Dry ⛰️🚫
- #21. Short and Sweet 🍭⌛
- #22. Flesh and Blood 🩸👨👩👧👦
- #23. Loud and Clear 📢✅
- #24. Tried and True ✔️🕰️
- #25. Wine and Dine 🍷🍽️
- #26. Back and Forth ↔️🔄
- #28. Fast and Furious 🏎️🔥
- #29. Cut and Dry ✂️🧻
- #30. Thick and Thin 🍰➖
- Collocations With AND Table
- Most Common Collocations With AND Worksheet
- Wrapping Up
Master English with These 30 Common Collocations with And
By incorporating these into your daily language practice, you can improve your communication skills, making your English sound more natural and polished. Whether you are preparing for an English exam, improving your professional communication, or just looking to enhance your everyday conversations, mastering these collocations will be a valuable addition to your language toolkit.
Let’s dive in and discover these essential collocations that will take your English to the next level!
#1. Black and White 🖤🤍
Definition: A situation with clear, easily distinguishable alternatives; often used to describe something that is not complex or ambiguous.
Phonetic Transcription: /blæk ənd waɪt/
- The issue isn’t as black and white as it seems; there are many nuances to consider.
- Some people see morality in black and white, but others recognize shades of gray.
#2. Safe and Sound 🛡️🔊
Definition: Unharmed and healthy, typically after some dangerous situation.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪf ənd saʊnd/
- After the storm passed, everyone was relieved to find their loved ones safe and sound.
- The hikers returned from their expedition safe and sound.
#3. Bits and Pieces 🧩🔧
Definition: Small parts or things of different types, often in a disorganized manner.
Phonetic Transcription: /bɪts ənd piːsɪz/
- After the party, we had to pick up bits and pieces of trash left behind.
- She collected bits and pieces of information to solve the puzzle.
#4. Pros and Cons ⚖️❌
Definition: The advantages and disadvantages of something.
Phonetic Transcription: /proʊz ənd kɒnz/
- Before making a decision, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons.
- There are pros and cons to living in the city versus the countryside.
#5. Trial and Error 🔬❌
Definition: A problem-solving method involving repeated attempts, learning from mistakes until success is achieved.
Phonetic Transcription: /traɪəl ənd ɛrər/
- Learning to cook often involves a lot of trial and error.
- They finally perfected the recipe through trial and error.

#6. Salt and Pepper 🧂🌶️
Definition: A combination often used to describe the color pattern of something, particularly hair that is a mix of dark and white strands.
Phonetic Transcription: /sɔːlt ənd pɛpər/
- His salt and pepper hair gave him a distinguished look.
- The kitchen had a modern salt and pepper color scheme.
#7. Touch and Go ✋✈️
Definition: A situation that is uncertain or potentially dangerous.
Phonetic Transcription: /tʌtʃ ənd ɡoʊ/
- The patient’s condition was touch and go for a few hours after surgery.
- It was touch and go whether they would make it to the airport on time.
#8. Peace and Quiet ☮️🤫
Definition: A state of calm and tranquility, free from noise or disturbance.
Phonetic Transcription: /piːs ənd kwaɪət/
- After a hectic day, all she wanted was some peace and quiet.
- The cabin in the woods offered the perfect peace and quiet they needed.
#9. Hustle and Bustle 🚶♂️🚶♀️
Definition: Busy and noisy activity.
Phonetic Transcription: /hʌsəl ənd bʌsəl/
- The hustle and bustle of the city can be overwhelming.
- They escaped the hustle and bustle of everyday life by going on a retreat.
#10. Now and Then ⏰🔁
Definition: Occasionally, from time to time.
Phonetic Transcription: /naʊ ənd ðɛn/
- We like to visit our grandparents now and then.
- Every now and then, I enjoy a cup of tea in the afternoon.
#11. Time and Again ⏳🔄
Definition: Repeatedly, often.
Phonetic Transcription: /taɪm ənd əˈɡɛn/
- Time and again, he has proven himself to be a reliable friend.
- The theory has been tested time and again.
#12. Sick and Tired 🤒😫
Definition: Fed up, annoyed or exhausted by something repetitive.
Phonetic Transcription: /sɪk ənd taɪərd/
- I am sick and tired of hearing the same excuses.
- She was sick and tired of the long commute to work.
#13. Give and Take 🔄🤝
Definition: A situation involving mutual concessions and cooperation.
Phonetic Transcription: /ɡɪv ənd teɪk/
- Any healthy relationship requires a bit of give and take.
- In negotiations, there is always a lot of give and take.
#14. More and More 📈➕
Definition: Increasingly, steadily becoming greater in number or quantity.
Phonetic Transcription: /mɔr ənd mɔr/
- More and more people are becoming aware of environmental issues.
- She is finding more and more reasons to love her new job.
#15. Odds and Ends 🧩🔧
Definition: Miscellaneous small items, remnants.
Phonetic Transcription: /ɒdz ənd ɛndz/
- The drawer was filled with odds and ends.
- He spent the afternoon organizing his odds and ends.
#16. Bread and Butter 🍞🧈
Definition: One’s basic means of support or income.
Phonetic Transcription: /brɛd ənd bʌtər/
- Writing is her bread and butter.
- The small business is their bread and butter.
#17. Null and Void 🚫❌
Definition: Invalid, having no legal force.
Phonetic Transcription: /nʌl ənd vɔɪd/
- The contract was declared null and void.
- Any changes to the agreement will render it null and void.
#18. Pick and Choose 👆🛍️
Definition: Selectively choose from a number of alternatives.
Phonetic Transcription: /pɪk ənd tʃuːz/
- At the buffet, you can pick and choose what you like.
- She likes to pick and choose her battles carefully.
#19. First and Foremost 1️⃣👆
Definition: Most importantly, primarily.
Phonetic Transcription: /fɜrst ənd ˈfɔːrməʊst/
- First and foremost, we must address the safety concerns.
- He is, first and foremost, a teacher.
#20. High and Dry ⛰️🚫
Definition: Left without help or resources.
Phonetic Transcription: /haɪ ənd draɪ/
- When the company closed, many employees were left high and dry.
- The unexpected cancellation left us high and dry.
#21. Short and Sweet 🍭⌛
Definition: Brief and to the point.
Phonetic Transcription: /ʃɔrt ənd swiːt/
- Her speech was short and sweet, lasting only five minutes.
- Let’s keep this meeting short and sweet.
#22. Flesh and Blood 🩸👨👩👧👦
Definition: Human nature, especially in terms of physical needs and family ties.
Phonetic Transcription: /flɛʃ ənd blʌd/
- We are all flesh and blood, capable of making mistakes.
- He is my flesh and blood; I can’t abandon him.
#23. Loud and Clear 📢✅
Definition: Clearly understood, unmistakable.
Phonetic Transcription: /laʊd ənd klɪər/
- Your message came through loud and clear.
- The instructions were given loud and clear.
#24. Tried and True ✔️🕰️
Definition: Proven to be reliable through experience or testing.
Phonetic Transcription: /traɪd ənd truː/
- This method is tried and true; it never fails.
- They relied on a tried and true recipe for the event.
#25. Wine and Dine 🍷🍽️
Definition: Entertain someone with a meal and drinks.
Phonetic Transcription: /waɪn ənd daɪn/
- They wined and dined their guests at the finest restaurants.
- The event was a chance to wine and dine with influential people.
#26. Back and Forth ↔️🔄
Definition: Moving in one direction and then the opposite repeatedly.
Phonetic Transcription: /bæk ənd fɔːrθ/
- The discussion went back and forth for hours.
- Children were running back and forth across the playground.
#27. Rough and Ready ✋⛏️
Definition: Simple but good enough for a particular purpose.
Phonetic Transcription: /rʌf ənd rɛdi/
- The rough and ready solution worked for the time being.
- He had a rough and ready approach to problem-solving.
#28. Fast and Furious 🏎️🔥
Definition: Happening very quickly and with a lot of energy or force.
Phonetic Transcription: /fæst ənd fjʊərɪəs/
- The debate was fast and furious.
- The game was played at a fast and furious pace.
#29. Cut and Dry ✂️🧻
Definition: Clear and straightforward.
Phonetic Transcription: /kʌt ənd draɪ/
- The instructions were cut and dry, easy to follow.
- The case seemed cut and dry, but new evidence emerged.
#30. Thick and Thin 🍰➖
Definition: Through good times and bad times.
Phonetic Transcription: /θɪk ənd θɪn/
- They have been friends through thick and thin.
- She stood by him through thick and thin.
Collocations With AND Table
Black and white | Safe and sound | Bits and pieces |
Pros and cons | Trial and error | Salt and pepper |
Touch and go | Peace and quiet | Hustle and bustle |
Now and then | Time and again | Sick and tired |
Give and take | More and more | Odds and ends |
Bread and butter | Null and void | Pick and choose |
First and foremost | High and dry | Short and sweet |
Flesh and blood | Loud and clear | Tried and true |
Wine and dine | Back and forth | Rough and ready |
Fast and furious | Cut and dry | Thick and thin |
Most Common Collocations With AND Worksheet

Wrapping Up
Understanding and using collocations with “and” can greatly enhance your fluency and accuracy in English. These common pairings are frequently encountered in everyday language and mastering them will make your speech and writing more natural. Whether you are conversing with friends, writing a professional email, or delivering a presentation, incorporating these collocations will improve your ability to communicate effectively.
Practice using these collocations regularly, and you will notice a significant improvement in your language skills.
Remember, learning a language is a journey, and every step you take brings you closer to fluency.
Happy learning! 😊
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