Let’s Grow Your Hand

Together We can Make English Fun.

Serving Students & Teachers

Now is the time for us to push on and con this incredible movement.

High Quality Online Tutoring

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Quality Worksheets & Lesson Plans

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Enjoy a wide range of fun, interactive English games and activities along a portal of video tutorials and courses that are perfect for students learning English as well as teachers looking for free educational resources. Besides, this website is yours to share ideas. Englezz is an educational website that aims at making Learning and Teaching tasks easy and funny, both for instructors as well as students.

We started Englezz because we wanted to make a difference. We believe that everyone has the right to learn English, and that online courses are the most accessible way to do so. We are passionate about education, and we want to share our knowledge with as many people as possible.

We have curated a selection of online courses, worksheets and teaching resources that we believe are the best available. We are constantly updating our offerings, and we welcome feedback from our users.

Learning Never stops as life never stop teaching”

موقعنا تعليمي باللغتين العربية و الإنجليزية يهتم بطرح جديد العالم الإفتراضي من برامج و خدع تقنية عبر دروس و حلقات فيديو والعديد من المواضيع التدريبية و البيداغوجية في تعلّم وتدريس اللغات وخاصّة الإنجليزية. الموقع يقدم خدمات معلوماتية و تعليمية بأسعار مدروسة. هدفنا ليس الربح المادي و إنما الإرتقاء بالمحتوى العربي و الأجنبي.

شعارنا : لا تنتظر الــفـــــرصـــة بل اصــــنــعــهــــا

Our Mission & Vision

We hope to reach this objective by making use of the latest technology and methodology.

That’s why our motto is :

“Inspire, empower and connect”

let’s Stand Together!

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