Learn Days And Months With Worksheets
In our vocabulary lesson we are going to learn the names of the days and the months in English. One of the most useful lexis to language learners is how to say the days of the week, months of the year and the dates properly.
Days, months and years are important for planning your meetings, booking your favourite holiday reservations, and for organizing any other activities whether social, educational or even our daily routine.
Table of Contents
Days, Weeks and Months on a Calendar
You can learn some examples through our interactive course in the video below. Here you can listen, repeat and simply practice days and months names in English. ????????
Names Of The Days with Arabic Translation:
أيام الأسبوع وشهور السنة بالإنجليزية للمبتدئين بالصوت والصورة
- Monday /’mun.dei/ = الإثنين
- Tuesday /’tiu:z.dei/ = الثلاثاء
- Wednesday /’wenz.dei/ = الإربعاء
- Thursday /’thurz.dei/ = الخميس
- Friday /’frai.dei/ = الجمعة
- Saturday /’sa.ta.dei/ = السبت
- Sunday /’sun.dei/ = الأحد
ُExamples with Days of The Week :
- Peter comes every Friday to see his grandfather.Kate will visit London
- on next Monday.
- I will be there by Tuesday.
Names Of The Months with Arabic Translation:
January /’gian.iu.e.ri/ = جانفي
February /’fe.bru.e.ri/ = فيفري
March /’ma:tc/ = مارس
April /’ei.pril/ = أفريل
May /’mei/ = ماي
June /’giun/ = جوان
July /giu’lai/ = جويلية
August /’o:.gust/ = أوت
September /sep’tem.ba/ = سبتمبر
October /ok’tou.ba/ = أكتوبر
November /nou’vem.ba/ = نوفمبر
December /di’sem.ba/ = ديسمبر
– January is a cold month.
– Flights will be cheap in November.
– Jane is going to visit Scotland in May.
Download free days and months vocabulary worksheets, puzzles, crosswords and flashcards for beginners from the link below. This vocabulary lesson is targeted to the beginners and intermediate to build their basic vocabulary in English and help them speak confidently. You can check the cardinal and ordinal numbers here.

Here are the proper pronunciation of the vocabulary items with this funny song. Enjoy!!
Now! You are able to tell and use the days, months and years in English. Congratulations and keep practicing for better mastery. Thanks for your attention. Hope you liked the lesson and see you again in an other English lesson in our coming courses. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletters to receive new tips right to you inbox.
ايام الاسبوع بالانجليزي
ايام الاسبوع والشهور بالانجليزي
اشهر السنة بالانجليزي
ايام الاشهر بالانجليزي بالترتيب
فصول السنة بالانجليزي
الارقام بالانجليزي
لوحات ايام الاسبوع بالانجليزي
معنى ايام الاسبوع بالانجليزي
English Vocabulary about the Days of the Week, Months of the Year and Seasons for English Learners. 🙂
Vocabulario Inglés. (y)